Catastrophic Injuries

A catastrophic injury can occur suddenly and without warning and can leave a person suffering from permanent disabilities for the rest of his or her life. Catastrophic injuries are any injuries that have serious, long-term effects on the victim. Catastrophic injuries can often put serious stress on the victim’s family because they may need constant supervision or assistance for the rest of their lives, as well as a lifetime of rehabilitation and medical bills.
Catastrophic injuries can be caused by any number of different circumstances and are considered catastrophic due to the enormous impact they have on the lives of the individuals who experience them. A catastrophic injury or illness often includes an injury to the central nervous system, such as spinal cord injuries or severe burn injuries, which in turn affect many other systems of the body. Some of the most common catastrophic injuries include the following: traumatic brain injuries, amputations, multiple bone fractures, eye injuries, severe burns, organ damage, and spinal cord and neurological disorders that result in paralysis. Catastrophic injury settlements seek to compensate victims for these lifelong disabilities.
The attorneys at Welch & Webb understand that catastrophic injuries lead to a lifetime of pain, expensive treatment, an inability to work and long-term care needs. Catastrophic injury cases require special skill and expertise, but also require the personal care and attention that a small, focused firm like Welch & Webb can provide. Our office and experienced attorneys have the resources you need to protect your rights and maximize your recovery for a catastrophic injury.